Thursday, 23 February 2012


The weather has been awful here for days, grey sky, rain and mist rolling over the top of the moor, so in need of a bit of colour I threw on my wellies and ventured into the garden. 
Obviously there isn't too much going on outside at present a few bulbs reluctantly peeping their heads through the soil here and there and obviously the 'crazy' little snowdrops who love a bit of cold!!

I headed off to a little spot in the garden where the Hellebores grow, and never to disappoint there they were, their hardy little flowery faces nodding in the wind. 
There are so many varieties of Hellebore and I'm not even sure what type mine are, but the damson coloured flowers are there year after year.

They are most deffinately an outside plant but at this time of year I often buy a new plant just to keep inside the house for a couple of weeks and when it's time and you can really tell when it's time I pop it back outside into the garden.

So, in need of the colour I decided to cut one of the flowers and put it in this lovely vase, I actually bought this vase at this time last year in Le Marais and knew it would be perfect for a Hellebore bloom!

I took this photograph last year on the same trip to Paris, unfortunately I only had my phone to take a picture with so my mission is to go back and take one with the SLR! 
Lovely Hellebores in pots!

And just for you Lesley if you're reading..."Oooooh I love Paris!!!" X

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